Media Slider

Media Slider

Have you ever wished you could mix videos and images in a slideshow on your site? Wish no more! The new Media Slider widget allows media to be mixed in any way you like. Each slide in the slider accepts images, video and even gifs. 

This do-it-all widget represents the most powerful and flexible slideshow widget in our entire library. Five different layout styles allows you to display your media as a carousel, vertical slider and more. Additionally, content can be mixed and matched as you like on a per-slide basis.

It can be hard to imagine what all is possible with the deep flexibility of the Media Slider widget. To help realize the possibilities, see the examples below and be sure to check out the three new pre-designed Sections that you can use today!

Serenity in Chaos

Discover the serene beauty that emerges from the chaos of abstract colors and patterns


Mystical Mirage

Get lost in the enchanting allure of a mystical mirage, where abstract forms create an otherworldly ambiance.



Delve into a world of aesthetic abstractions, where every stroke of color tells a unique story.


Whimsical Wonders

Enter a realm of whimsical wonders, where imagination runs wild and colors dance with joy.



Step into an ethereal dreamscape of surreal beauty, where imagination takes flight and reality blurs.


Infinite Intricacies

Explore the infinite intricacies of abstract compositions, where each detail reveals a hidden universe.


Serenity in Chaos

Discover the serene beauty that emerges from the chaos of abstract colors and patterns


Mystical Mirage

Get lost in the enchanting allure of a mystical mirage, where abstract forms create an otherworldly ambiance.


Floral Symphony

Immerse yourself in a symphony of colorful blooms, where petals dance to the rhythm of nature.


Luminous Abstractions

Immerse yourself in the luminous world of abstract abstractions, where light and color intertwine.


Surreal Symphony

Experience a surreal symphony of abstract forms, where reality and imagination merge in harmony


Ethereal Chromatics

Step into the ethereal realm of chromatic wonders, where abstract beauty transcends the ordinary


Whimsical Illuminations

Enter a realm of whimsical illuminations, where abstract elements are bathed in magical light.


Chromatic Euphoria

Indulge in a chromatic euphoria, where vibrant colors ignite a sense of joy and excitement.


Transcendent Tones

Embark on a journey through transcendent tones, where abstract art evokes a range of emotions.


Whimsical Illuminations

Enter a realm of whimsical illuminations, where abstract elements are bathed in magical light.


Surreal Symphony

Experience a surreal symphony of abstract forms, where reality and imagination merge in harmony.


Chromatic Euphoria

Indulge in a chromatic euphoria, where vibrant colors ignite a sense of joy and excitement.


Dancing Colorscape

Witness a mesmerizing colorscape come alive in a dance of abstract patterns and vibrant hues.


Ethereal Chromatics

Step into the ethereal realm of chromatic wonders, where abstract beauty transcends the ordinary.


Video Tutorial

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