

The Breadcrumbs widget displays a visual hierarchy that indicates to site visitors exactly where they are within a site. This widget works automatically, displaying proper page structure immediately!

Here are some additional benefits of using the Breadcrumbs widget:

  • Improved SEO: breadcrumbs help Google better understand where a page fits within a site and identify related pages.
  • Automatically adds schema: this automatic process makes the business information on your site more discoverable by Google and improves the chances that your site's page hierarchy is displayed directly within search results.
  • Improved Customer Experience: breadcrumbs allow site visitors to understand where they're at within a site at all times, and provide easier access to relevant pages.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac enim quis urna vehicula feugiat et non quam. Proin vitae sem lacus. Donec et pretium justo. Fusce sagittis nunc sed lacinia suscipit. Morbi quam dui, tempor et ante nec, pulvinar semper ligula. Morbi nibh neque

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